hubsell update May 2024 edition
It's been sometime since the last time I sent such an update but that doesn't mean there haven't been any updates :) On the contrary, since Q4 2023 we've been systematically changing hubsell to fit our customers' current and latent needs. Changes are made ranging from business model to data processing and to the way LinkedIn outreach is done. All of it for the better. I will be resuming this update email so look forward to the June edition in July, but for now please read this update and let us know if you have feedback. New blog post:"AI prompts for outbound sales [to setup calls in 2024]"Let me start by saying that AI won't replace sales people, but sales people using AI will replace sales people that don't. So what does that mean for you? Well that means that you need to start using AI to augment yourself and get more out of your time, yesterday. Read more.
May 2024 was incredibly productive for us, so here are some exciting new features for you.
1. Sequences now support InMailsBy popular demand and after having spoken with outbound experts we decided to add InMails as an action in the Sequences flow. hubsell's plugin will send InMails and free messages to LIONs (LinkedIn open networkers - which won't use your InMail credits). Tip: Use InMails with people that did not accept your connection request. Often times, they will go and accept your connection request after they accept your InMail.
2. Prompt testing 2.0You spoke and we listened. The previous version of testing the prompt was more of an MVP than a full fledged feature. We changed that.
3. AI content approvalThis section of hubsell was lacking some "Quality of Life" features that several users voice independently. As shown in the image above:
So there you have it. That is what we were able to achieve in May. What's next 🚀 for June:We are doubling down our efforts to improve hubsell's UI and your experience of it. (Think here, LinkedIn only Sequences because that data will have the following data points: First Name, Last Name, Title, Location, Company name and LinkedIn URL, LinkedIn Company Page URL). We will enable collecting information of contact's posts. And we will creating a more flexible credit consumption model. More on this in the next update. Stay tuned. |