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A curated list of the best B2B landing pages

May 17, 2022

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B2B landing pages are a great way to have a passive stream of leads flowing into your business. But, have you ever wanted to know what components drive conversions? Or what you can do to optimise your landing pages?

Well, amongst the many factors to consider such as the solution being sold, who the potential buyers are, and the purpose of the landing page, there are some best practices you should be applying.

Before we begin, let’s go over the fundamentals of what a landing page is.

What is a landing page?

Simply put, a landing page is typically the very first page a prospect lands on. It is also likely to be the first touchpoint between the visitor and the company.

Landing pages come in all sorts of variations such as being a homepage, use-case specific, industry-specific, and can also be a standalone page as used in a paid advertisement.

Similarly, the purpose of a landing page can also vary from collecting prospect information to offering a free trial. Overall, landing pages attempt to progress the visitor to the next stage of the buying journey with the goal of selling a product or service.

Since sales reps are not involved, landing pages must be designed to hook the prospect in and provide the right information to progress them to the next stage of the buying journey. A typical landing page should have an explanation of the solution, a way to validate themselves to the prospect, and a call-to-action (CTA).

At the end of this blog, we will introduce a new type of landing page that is revolutionary to outbound sales called the Sales Story landing page where you address the visitor directly.

Best B2B landing page examples

In this blog, we will dive deep into the different types of B2B landing pages along with some of the best practices that they are implementing. 

We will be discussing the key features in each one and why it helps prospects with what they are looking for when deciding on a solution to purchase. Below is a curated list of some of the best B2B landing page examples we found.

Let’s get started!

Standalone landing pages

A standalone landing page typically does not have any navigation links to other parts of the website. The page will also be inaccessible from the main homepage and generally visited by people who are targeted in marketing campaigns through channels such as email or paid search.

DocuSign – massive social proof

We’re kicking this list off with a great B2B landing page example from DocuSign. For this example, we want to look at the social proof used here.

Social proof is a very powerful tool to use in landing pages as it helps influence prospects’ decision making. Instead of selling their own features and benefits, the use of social proof does so in a way that conveys trust and reliability.

We can see that there are 3 different uses of social proof.

Firstly, at the top of the landing page, we see a very clear heading that states “200+ Million DocuSigners Can’t Be Wrong”. What we like about this type of social proof is that they share the number of users they have and at such a large number it definitely makes its case.

We also like how they refer to their users as “DocuSigners” which identifies its users and creates a sense of community.

Secondly, further down the page, we see the use of testimonials. Docusign includes exact quotes from their customers displaying their name, job title and company.

This is powerful as it proves they are real people. Furthermore, their job title helps prospects relate better by seeing who is using this solution for their work and proves its use-case across a variety of jobs across a business.

And lastly, DocuSign includes company logos of 3 well-known companies who also use their solution.

The use of social proof from the top to the bottom of this page constantly influences the prospect to get started with DocuSign.

Unbounce – company testimonials and logos

When deciding on a solution to invest in, it can be a challenge to see if they’re right for your business. The features of the solution and whether they are trustworthy are all factors many people consider when making a decision.

Unbounce have addressed this by bringing their social proof to the top of the page. Before selling their features and benefits, they opted to establish trust with the prospect first. Hearing others stories and seeing their success is a highly effective tool to persuade and win people over.

Right away when landing on this page, Unbounce has 6 company logos for prospects to see who are using their solution. To add further influence, they combine this with a detailed testimonial including the customer’s headshot and job title which increases the level of trust.

Having all this placed strategically below the CTA ensures prospects cannot miss this and convinces customers to take the appropriate action.

Slack – picture the benefits

The next feature we want to cover is the use of a hero image. A hero image is the first image a prospect sees when landing on your page. It can also be in the form of a background video.

The purpose of a hero image is to support the goal of the landing page which can be done in different ways such as through humour, information or context. In this case, it’s a mix of information and context.

What we like in this landing page example is how Slack has gone with a snapshot of an on-going chat as a hero image. This illustrates its features and shows how the final solution would look like which may intrigue prospects to learn more about it.

As we can see further down the page, the hero image helps give context to what the rest of the landing page is about.

Slack singles out a few of its features and dive deeper into each one. This top-down introduction to the solution helps to keep the prospect engaged and educate them on what’s important.

Rescue by LogMeIn – visualise through video

We chose this B2B landing page example because of how the video pops out straight away. Very clearly LogMeIn is directing the prospect’s attention to the video.

The use of videos in landing pages is another very powerful tool to help boost conversions. It can be a challenge to convey everything you do to the prospect, especially without adding too much clutter on the page. The use of video clears this up and helps prospects to easily consume information in a way that other forms of media cannot such as pictures, GIFs or text.

We see a colourful video stand out amongst a lot of grey text and a white background. Apart from the logo and CTA, the only other colour is the video which encourages the prospect to watch it.

Since the subject of IT support can be frustrating and complex for most people, LogMeIn has chosen to use animation to convey their message. By opting to go with a colourful, minute-long video animation, a narrator first sets up the context that everyone uses technology and thus needs support. From there it introduces itself as the solution and describes its benefits.

Without video, conveying their message would take up a lot of space on the page and make it more difficult to consume the same information – which would defeat the purpose of what their solution represents.

Hotjar – step into the prospect’s shoes

Questions are a fantastic way to get the prospect to think. When a prospect starts to think, you have their attention which inspires them to continue reading.

What’s great about this B2B landing page example are the questions we see asked straight away. Hotjar clearly knows their audience and the problems they’re facing. They step into the prospect’s shoes and illustrate some of the pain points they may be experiencing.

By asking these highly relevant questions, this makes their prospects to immediately view Hotjar as informative feeling that “they get me”. Naturally, the solution will be perceived to be the answer to these questions and something to learn more about.

Hotjar gets the prospect’s attention straight away and keeps them engaged. Following this up with trust marks and benefits of the solution is a great strategy to increase conversions.

Trello – clean and simple

We included Trello as part of this list because of its simple design and clear copy throughout the landing page. As we can see, the first look at a landing page can communicate a lot of things which we’ll get into now.

From this page, we initially see a lot of white space and the primary colours only being blue and white. This simplistic design is easy on the eye and does not distract the reader with too many things going on.

The supporting copy below the heading explains that Trello enables “teams to organise and prioritise projects”. The importance of aligning the visual appearance of this landing page with the solution being offered sends a much stronger message of what they are conveying to the prospect.

We also liked the clear copy throughout the page which comes across quite natural and not salesy. The heading tells the prospect what they do and the following points throughout the page such as “Work with any team” and “Information at a glance” gives the prospect what they want from such a solution.

The simplicity of the page and providing the right amount of information without too much detail sends a clear message about how the prospect’s experience with the tool will be.

Gong – zero distractions

What we want to focus on in this B2B landing page is the CTA and the lack of navigation links.

In general, a CTA should be the next logical step a prospect should take to learn more about a solution. It should be seen as an offer of value rather than taking something from them which the supporting copy helps to do by highlighting the positive outcome from the demo.

Placing the CTA at the top of the page is a powerful move as it tells the prospect straight away what they should do next. Interestingly, the supporting copy does not describe the features but sells the outcome of the live demo. After a couple of social proof statements, Gong places the same CTA again to reinforce the purpose of this page.

In addition to a strong CTA, you may notice there are no website navigation links for the prospect to go anywhere else. This minimalistic look eliminates distractions and helps visitors to not be tempted to click away to another part of the site.

By steering the prospect’s attention to the only obvious button to click on, this is likely to increase the number of clicks to the CTA as the only other option is to close the page altogether – which is unlikely for them to do if there is at least some interest in the solution.

Sendinblue – use of white space

The use of white space in this example provides a very clean slate which makes the elements on the page to stand out. This removes distractions and draws the attention of the prospect to focus only on the content they want the prospect to consume.

The use of heavily contrasting colour text grabs the attention of the prospect which increases the readability and comprehension of the content.

Leaving a lot of white space on a landing page allows for a lot of versatility for other elements to stand out. Here, we see the colour pink being utilised three times to make the CTA and the supporting text pop out. Also, the pricing options stand out with the background that contrasts the white space.

Overall, we can see how extra emphasis is applied to key components of the page by overlaying different colours on the white space. Sendinblue does a great job of combining the soft pink colour and the darker colour to help the prospect navigate through their landing page.

Homepage as a landing page

The next are examples of homepages as a landing page. Whether it be through an email link or an online search of a company name, homepages are also a landing page since it would be the first page a prospect would land on when learning about your company.

Door4 – using colours for attention



What we want to focus on in this B2B landing page example is the use of colours and the general simplicity of this page.

The power of using colours effectively can make a great difference to the conversion rates a page sees. Used appropriately, it can guide the prospect’s attention to what is important and also strengthen the message that’s being conveyed.

The first thing we notice about this page is the use of the colour yellow. The use of yellow and black interestingly appears to be like a caution sign and something we naturally pay attention to. Using these colours for the simple graphic along with the supporting text immediately explains what they do and why the prospect should book a “strategy call”.

Looking at the rest of the page, we can notice that aside from the CTAs no other colours are used throughout which helps keep our attention at the top. However, as we do move further down the page, we see a lot of social proof being displayed in the form of company logos with a CTA to see their work to build more trust for the prospect.

Overall, this page clearly tells the prospect what they do without including too much information. The use of trust marks and colours help positively influence the prospect’s decision making and direct their attention to where they need to focus on.

Intercom – choice of solutions

Upon arriving on Intercom’s homepage, there are a lot of animated graphics which makes the site quite attractive. At first, you’re met with a very clean look and clear message of what Intercom is. The CTA to “get started” is also very easy to follow through with requiring only an email address to get started.

Just below the CTA, an animated image cycles through the 5 features in blue text showcasing how it works. This is great as the prospect gets to experience many ways Intercom can be used in a short amount of time.

Sandwiched between strong uses of social proof, there are 3 solutions for prospects to click through on. What we like about this is that it encourages the prospect to engage with the site. By clicking into one of the options, they arrive on a page which highlights the key features of the solution with CTAs to “get started” or “watch a demo”.

By having CTAs for people who are ready to get started and for those who would like to learn more allows the prospect to progress at their own pace. This helps them to navigate through the site easily and gives them a positive experience of the solution.

Industry specific landing page

Potential buyers across different industries may not all act the same way when visiting a landing page. Companies in different industries may need similar solutions but may react more positively or negatively to factors such as the length of the page, language style and visual appeal.

Vidyard – for Saas Sales and Marketing

As we can see everything on this page is targeted towards those in the Saas industry. From the heading and supporting text to the case studies and images.

Straight away the text below the heading speaks the language of those in the Saas industry – “whether you’re building your brand or connecting with prospects”. This directly informs the visitor that Vidyard does exactly what they want.

Moving further down, Vidyard goes deeper into the features of the solution and continues to address the needs of the prospect. They provide 3 relatable uses under the very eye-catching heading “how to increase Saas sales with video”.

This B2B landing page clearly demonstrates they know the main goals in the Saas industry and addresses them very well. For those still on the fence at this point, Vidyard provides a couple of case studies specific to the Saas industry to further influence the reader to try their solution.

Use-case specific landing page

Some company websites have pages dedicated to show a specific use-case such as those in a specific job title. These types of landing pages are part of the website but can also be used as a landing page as a paid advertisement or linked within an email marketing campaign.

Drift – sales specific landing page

On the Drift website, they have pages specifically for marketing and for sales. In this B2B landing page example, we will look at the sales landing page where they name their solution Conversational Sales.

What we notice first is the heading grabs the attention of salespeople by stating the result they are interested in attaining – to “book more qualified meetings”. This keeps the prospect interested and the supporting text beneath describes additional benefits and features.

The customer testimonial then backs the point by stating the percentage figures they achieved which helps convince the prospect that the solution does what it says it can do.

At this point, the prospect may decide they are interested and the CTA prompts them to “get a demo”. However, if they want to learn more about the solution, further information is provided further down.

As we move down the page, we see bolded headings which dive deeper into 3 specific results salespeople would be looking for. What Drift also does is they change the CTA from “get a demo” to “learn more” to showcase more of the solution to prospects.

They recognise that the best next step for prospects at this stage is to further educate them on how the solution works. The change from asking for their time for a demo to providing further value is a nice touch which should help with the prospect’s decision making.

Sales Story landing page

The problem with landing pages at the moment is they are static. This means the heading, supporting text, images, CTAs all stay the same no matter who lands on it.

When trying to engage with potential customers, sales and marketing teams strive to create personalised campaigns through channels such as emails and advertisements. But, when a prospect clicks through to a B2B landing page, they arrive only to see generalised content about the solution.

The Sales Story landing page continues the personalised experience and leads the prospect to their next chapter of the outreach experience.

When a prospect lands on a Sales Story landing page, the text and imaging will auto adjust to deliver a unique message that is relevant and tailored for that specific person.

hubsell is pioneering this revolution and changing the way landing pages are used in outbound sales and marketing.

Rounding off

Hopefully, these B2B landing page examples have given you a better understanding of some of the different elements that are used in landing pages.

We hope you are able to adopt some of these ideas into your own B2B landing pages and see better results for your business.

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