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It's been sometime since the last time I sent such an update but that doesn't mean there haven't been any updates :) On the contrary, since Q4 2023 we've been systematically changing hubsell to fit ...

Let me start by saying that AI won't replace sales people, but sales people using AI will replace sales people that don't. Now I did not come up with this phrase, I adjusted the well known phrase ...

Data quality in B2B sales Data quality can make or break your B2B sales efforts. High-quality data increases the efficiency of your sales process, enhances personalization, and improves conversion ...

Heads up: this is a long (~9000 words) blog post so I’ve added topic headings in the list to the left with the key points from each topic. The list will also contain anchors links that will allow you ...

Last updated: 01.03.2024 with new content on email warm-up At hubsell, I advise customers to avoid spammy outreach behaviour to not get yourself into an email domain blacklist. There are several ways ...

Messaging is a key part of any great sales or marketing campaign. But any message that is not adapted to context is as good as a flyer lying facedown on a pavement. In order to find sufficient demand ...

Although the account-based sales model has been here for a long time now, its popularity has consistently increased over the last few years. But, what exactly is it? Is it an ideal strategy for you? ...

Sales can be a challenging job—but if you know the essential dos and don’ts of selling, you would have an easier time keeping your pipeline steady and flowing. This is exactly what this blog will do ...

Rejection in sales is a fact of life. Whether it’s the actual rejection or the fear of it that gets you trembling, you can never escape it. No matter how great your pitch or enticing your offer, you ...

As a growing SaaS company every expense you make needs to be scrutinised, because there are several different channels you can invest in in order to generate sales. One of the traps that SaaS ...

In the B2B world a great way to grow your customer base is to implement a cold outreach strategy, however, sales people can sometimes have trouble to understand why and how to do it, so in this ...

That abrasive email. Those bone-dry texts. The awkward pause on a zoom call. We have all had our share of encounters with ambiguous body language cues online and perhaps contributed to it too within ...

I have plenty of time to waste – said no one ever. As sales professionals, we are forever running behind schedule trying to reach the end of our daily agenda. The last thing you want to do is a ...

Let me keep this intro short, simple and sweet. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is amongst the top most powerful tools in any B2B sales stack. Most sales people that I know have an account. If you are ...

With increased attention around B2B salespeople providing a “customer first” experience, this is the perfect time to evolve. Your B2B buyers now have unparalleled access to product and service ...

CAC, or customer acquisition cost, is a crucial business metric to assess the resources you need to attract new customers and continue your business growth. In a nutshell, if you want your business ...

Getting your foot in the door as a salesperson seems to be getting harder, so how do you catch your prospect’s attention in a noisy inbox? How about tapping into digital video content. Aside from the ...

Millennials are the most educated, tech-savvy, and the largest generation group since the baby boomers. We are also the new generation in the driver’s seat as 73% of millennials now hold powerful ...

If you handle any data from your customers, even if it is just an email address, you need to have rock-solid data security. And if you do outbound sales of any kind, you need to ensure that your cold ...

The rate at which the Financial Services industry adopted new digital technologies has been faster than ever before. Although the industry was already heading in this direction, the coronavirus ...

As a sales leader, you know that getting your prospect’s attention is already half battle won but also that getting your prospect’s attention is no less than a war in itself. Most sales and marketing ...

Most sales and marketing professionals are quite familiar with cold emails but still find it harder than other customer interactions. The challenge with cold outreach is that you have little or no ...

The number one challenge facing B2B sales and marketing teams is figuring out where in the customer journey a prospect is and what they intend to do next. You may already be collecting data on ...

The scale of the world construction industry has been on the rise in recent years, and it is now growing at an ever-increasing rate. The construction industry’s market was valued at USD 11.4 trillion ...